Author: gangrif

Awesome times.

So, years ago, I was working Technical Support for an ISP. This was late 90’s, early 2000’s. I was just out of business school, with a fresh Associates degree in PC Networking under my belt. At the time, computing was at what I perceived as sort of a standstill. Yea, things were progressing, but it…

Puppet 2.6, filebucket permissions.

Just a little snippet. I’m working with puppet, and foreman. Im working through the Pro Puppet book from APress. In the first section, they have me create a sudo module, which will pull /etc/sudoers from a puppet file bucket, and put it in place on the agent. I was running into the following error. [root@kstest…

NEED HELP FINDING A LOST HIKER – California, Sierra Nevada Mountains.

The brother of a high-school friend of my wife’s, is missing. He was on a camping/hiking trip in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, in the Mammoth Lake area. He was separated from his friends when his car broke down, and never met back up with them as planned. The hunch is that he went on a…

Sysadmin Appreciation Day

Fifteen years ago, I knew a teenager, who spent his evenings hacking away on his Gateway 2000 486, and his days trying to work his way around the security put in place to prevent him and his fellow students from accessing data they shouldn’t. Never malicious, just curious, and thirsty for control of something. That…

Freeing a Nook Tablet from the bonds of slavery.

So, my wife has a Nook Tablet. I bought it for her a little under 2 years ago as a gift, and she loves it. She’s a big reader, and this thing has done a great job of feeding her addiction. Over the time she’s owned it, she’s asked me to install certain apps on…

RedHat Summit: Throw away your SAN.

This year’s been good to us at the College, and our RedHat rep’s got me and my boss on yo a panel at Summit. Talking about real-world cases where customer’s have switched to RHEV. So we got to go to RedHat Summit for free, in Boston, MA. I don’t travel much, so its always enjoyable…


As a former cross-country runner myself, I’d just like to send my thoughts and prayers out to those affected by the Boston Maraton bombing today. Such a joyous and exciting event, destroyed by tragedy. For what?

ClearOS, home firewall, and vpn gateway.

You may have gathered.. I’m not your average user. So when I needed a router for my house, it’s no surprise that Linksys didn’t fit the bill. I ran a linksys router for a while, the damn thing kept dieing on me. I’d reboot it once or twice a week to keep things online. I…

Hacking the planet.

— Update — I may be late with this, but I wanted to update this with some more news. First, this appears to have gone nowhere, and I thought I’d go do some reading to find out why. Anonymous themselves are reporting that this was not them, and it was in fact, most likely fraudulent….

My growing dislike of Verizon Wireless

I’ve been a Verizon wireless customer for… A long time. I think it was around 2005 that I switched from my old Nextel service to Verizon. It was right after Sprint bought Nextel. At the time, My wife and I had switched between all of the major carriers that offered service in our area in…